Here I am at 28 weeks...
and later the same week...
Currently I'm 29.5 weeks and had an ultrasound a few days ago. All along I've been thinking that these are going to be "bigger" babies (as far as twins go) and wouldn't be surprised if I went full term. Right now they're doing fantastic! As of Thursday, Baby A is measuring at 3lbs 8oz and Baby B is measuring at 3lbs 4oz. They've been very "even" right along which is also great news. They're a big big for their gestational age, but that was NO surprise to me.
I was unable to get any really good ultrasound pics this time because they were transverse (across my belly sideways... no wonder I've been so uncomfortable) and smooshed up face to face, like this. Too cute, though. We believe they're already plotting against us.
Things I've noticed about both of them are that Baby A (the boy) has been overall very cooperative for ultrasounds and overall whereas Baby B (the girl) has been very similar to Ava in her ultrasounds, kicking at the equipment and always has her face mushed up against something (my placenta or her brother in this instance, so we've NEVER been able to get a decent facial shot. I'd like to say she's going to outgrow it, but honestly, if she's anything like her sister, she's just gotten better at perfecting her camera aversion techniques.
No matter. We're thrilled that they're happy and healthy and mommy's doing well, the girls are great and keeping me very busy. Daddy's working hard as always. Nana's been here to help a lot (lifesaver) and the broken ankle is coming right along. I'm hoping in the next week or two I get to ditch the big bad boot for good. That definitely made this pregnancy, uh... more "interesting"... because a twin pregnancy in a New England Summer with toddlers just wasn't enough of a challenge! Ha! Hoping all is very well in your worlds, my friends!
Pretty awesome to think that they went from being the size of a period at the end of a sentence (.) to this: