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About Us

- Marijanna and Shaun
- We met over 8 years ago at church as Shaun was walking in and I was walking out. The few words exchanged sparked an interst that kept Shaun coming back. When we FINALLY began dating 4 years later we soon knew there was something special here. Our first year quickly flew by and we both decided we never wanted to spend another year with anyone else or without each other. We married in the place where it all began on January 1, 2011 (1/1/11) and gave birth to our beautiful daughter Ava Marie on September 22, 2011 our next little one, Clara Rose came 16 months later on February 11, 2013. This blog began with our preparation with our wedding and has entered into recording the days and events of our newlywed life and new motherhood.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
First day of Summer!
Today is the first day of Summer and I'll be spending many of my days with some lively boys that I've known since they were ...much littler than now. Our days have already been filled with honest chats over breakfast and lunch, morning walks (with the boys saying things like "Walks are good for you and Ava, right? We'll make sure you take one every day!"), field trips and outings, morning rosary and prayers, LOTS of playing outside (and inside), practicing math facts in the car and reading and reading and reading, journal writing about our Summer days, quiet time in the afternoons and movies together, beach and playground runs and more. I love sitting with these little ones now when things aren't so rushed (like during the school year) and seeing how they've grown over the years and the things they have to talk about and questions to ask. It makes me so happy to think of being a mother soon myself (well, technically I already am, but you know what I mean) and the possibility of having those chats and special times myself with my daughter. The boys ask about "Ava" all day and take such good care of me "Can I get you water? Do you need anything" and kiss and talk to her all the time (in my belly) that I cannot help but be incredibly grateful for such good company to spend my days with. Happy Summer everyone!
Monday, June 20, 2011
A lovely weekend
So this weekend, Shaun & I had a lovely time together. The weather was downright gorgeous and we enjoyed our time thoroughly. We ran a number of errands, and drove up to Boston in the evening to visit with Shaun's nephew, Jack in the hospital on Saturday.
Jack suffers from a very rare blood disorder which compromised his Kidneys. He's been waiting for a donor and on Pentecost Sunday recieved "The Call" that a donor had been found. He was rushed into the hospital and recieved his new kidney around two in the morning. Shaun has been visiting him everyday because as chance would have it, he's been working right next to the hospital each day. We were able to visit and spend almost two hours visiting on Saturday night. Jack is responding remarkably well to the transplant and looked SO much better and happier did his mother, Dana (Shaun's sister).
After the hospital, Shaun took me for a lovely Italian dinner and after eating at "Antonios" in Boston, I realize why Shaun always seems unsatisfied with any Italian place I've gone to with him. Their food is just marvelous!
On Sunday, we attended Mass at our Parish and due to it being the Parish's annual "Polish Fest" we experienced our first "Polka Mass". I wasn't quite sure how I'd feel about it going in and expected it to be somewhat "irreverant" (to be honest), but was actually pleasantly surprised at how respectful the Polka "band" was towards the celebration of the Mass and how joyful people were in singing together to Our Lord. There was an elderly woman in front of me who reminded me of my grandmother and I couldn't help but think of her (even after her stroke when she couldn't dance anymore) sitting in her chair tapping her foot to the Polkas that played in our kitchen every Sunday growing up. She is one of my favorite people to ever have touched my life and the "Polka" music always brings memories of her back to me. I dont' think I'd like to go every week, but was definitely surprised with how much they sought to keep it reverent and respectful, while still celebrating their heritage. I also must say that I was very impressed that they stopped ALL festivities outside while the Mass was going on and made sure that this was the main focus of the festivities.
We then went out to the festival and enjoyed some great polish food! Shaun & I both LOVE Polish food. I being Lithuanian and he with a bit of Lith in him as well ...felt right at home.
We sat down and quickly met two beautiful Maronite Sisters. Sr. Therese Marie and Sr. Marla Marie of the Maronite Servants of Christ the Light. They are of the Maronite Catholic Rite and we thoroughly enjoyed chatting with them. Find more out about them here:
The Polish Fest offered fun for all
The "Eddie Forman Band" is my Aunt Leone's favorite Polka band. They had everyone "toe tapping" and dancing. I am always amazed at how well these couples dance the polka! I LOVE old people! (I know there's probably a nicer way to say that, but that's how I think it ...and I mean it in a nice way)
Even SISTER got in on the action
Here are some pics of Shaun & I outside the church
(I have NO idea what "Witamy" means!)
(SOooo pregnant!!!)
The "Happy Hubby!"
And Shaun knows I LOVE flowers, so aside from bringing me home bouquets regularly, he bought me two beautiful potted plants from the church festival
This one we hung on our lovely arbor...
aren't our grapevines (planted tiny little things last year) coming along nicely?
These ones are on our front porch (see that handsome man reading in the background?)
and I just thought I'd show that our "window boxes" are coming along beautifully!
we spent the rest of "Father's Day" relaxing and enjoying each other's company. I ended up taking a much needed nap and Shaun read in the hammock for a while. Then we headed out to Boston again to see Shaun's daughter play softball. We ended with a late night, but it was such a nice weekend. Hope everyone else had a wonderful 'Father's day!!!"
Friday, June 17, 2011
Camping 2011
Shaun & I recently went camping with his brother Paul and niece, Paige. I forgot to put up pics and found some today. Thought I'd post a little of our trip. How do you know you're pregnant??? When you don't fit into your sleeping bag anymore! I felt like a butterfly trying to hatch from my cocoon! Couldn't even get the zipper up. THAT was an adventure! The bathroom seemed miles away (when in reality it wasn't really THAT far... but after drinking a gallon of water a day it sure seemed it), the air mattresses moved like a waterbed and I was stuck 1/2 in and 1/2 out of my sleeping bag. We had fun, but pregnant... made it a little more "interesting" HA! No pics of me or the Indian dances around the campfire or the stories we told, but that's ok.
Here are the men putting up the tent
"Home sweet Home"
Saying hello to the lovely Paige!
Isn't she a doll?
The guys fishing for Tautog
and hanging out at camp...
"That's all folks!!"
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