Yesterday morning I slept soundly while my husband snuck out of bed and out to Adoration for his usual 4am Holy Hour. He woke me only to kiss me goodbye and tell me he loved me. As I sleepily kissed him back, I didn't even feel guilty about sleeping through the opportunity to rise with him and make him lunch and coffee because the evening before we had discussed him staying home for the day and riding out the storm with us. I was looking forward to him coming home in a little while, but worried not and fell back asleep.
A while later, I woke up to him calling from Boston as he'd decided the weather wasn't that bad and went in to work. I wasn't upset or surprised, only disappointed because I would have loved the day together relaxing and watching movies. No luck. "I'm coming home" *GOOD NEWS* "REally? You're going to spend the day with me?" "No. I have to go to New York" he said. "What?" (this was worse than him not being home)
The news came that he had to travel to New York to work on a job there. I pouted. All I could think of was how New York was going to be hit by this MAJOR disaster and Connecticut was supposed to be struck hard... and my husband was going to be driving straight into it. This was not the news I wanted ...and definitely NOT equal to a day on the couch in pj's watching movies with a silly baby and my better half as my company.
I sighed and realized there was little I could do. "It is what it is", I said. He arrived home with groceries in hand to fill the fridge and a surprise of Pepperoni Pizza (which I like, but he hates, so we never eat... sort of trying to make me feel better about "what I could do while he's not here!" ...I love food, but this didn't work)
Good news was that he wouldn't be heading into the worst of the storm, but rather the part of New York he was heading towards was more on the MA/NY/VT border. This at least appeased my fears a bit. I helped him pack and get ready... sloooooowly (boy do I drag my feet when I don't want to do something) and kissed him goodbye. I was not stoic and happy and strong about it. There was no mistake I was unhappy and would miss him and wished him home. I was a baby.
Ava blew kisses from the doorway and waved. And off he went.
We spent the day here with my Mom and weathered the storm quite well. I don't know who missed the other more because Shaun & I probably called each other 30 times. Man do I feel like a part of me is missing when he's gone.
I made it through, though. Mom slept over. All slept well. No loss of power. No downed trees. And I woke up thinking that Shaun would be coming home tonight. I couldn't wait. I have NO patience.
Then the morning phone call came. "Hi Baby. They need me to stay another day." *UGH* I KNEW it! So... I won't be seeing him till tomorrow. I know this seems so little and small and I think of all the military wives and families who are so strong to wait while their husband's serve far away... I have none of this strength at all. I just miss my husband and want him home.
But the thought of those military wife friends of mine gives me strength... I'll offer it up for you. For one day. This one measly sacrifice. I know it's not much compared to the one you make for me, but I've never been a good penitent, so it's all I have and I give it to you.
Family Photo

About Us

- Marijanna and Shaun
- We met over 8 years ago at church as Shaun was walking in and I was walking out. The few words exchanged sparked an interst that kept Shaun coming back. When we FINALLY began dating 4 years later we soon knew there was something special here. Our first year quickly flew by and we both decided we never wanted to spend another year with anyone else or without each other. We married in the place where it all began on January 1, 2011 (1/1/11) and gave birth to our beautiful daughter Ava Marie on September 22, 2011 our next little one, Clara Rose came 16 months later on February 11, 2013. This blog began with our preparation with our wedding and has entered into recording the days and events of our newlywed life and new motherhood.
I feel the same way whenever Henry is away!!! Don't feel bad... As you said "it is what it is". I have nothing but respect and admiration for the military families and those torn apart by other circumstances. He'll be home soon to take care of his girls... Hang in there!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tee. I really miss him. I can't wait till he's home. Till then, I'm hanging in!
DeleteI can't bear to have Phil away overnight so I feel your pain! Why don't you come to the Marion parade today? Ava can dress up and you can get out of the house!!
ReplyDeleteUgh... it's awful. Sorry I missed you guys. Love the pics! We got a whole ONE trick or treater tonight. I wonder what we'll do with all that chocolate? Hmmm....
DeleteAt least you were able to have your Mom stay. I doubt I'd be a good military wife either. Varied times around the dinner hours is about all I can do. Totally understand.
ReplyDeleteGlad you all weathered the storm okay.
Thanks Tina. I missed him so much. I told him that the only way I bear my days without him is because I know he's coming home at the end of them (even if it's the veryy end). I'm verry glad to have him home. Got home around 7:30 tonight (Yay!)
DeleteMarijanna, I'd just like to say thank you! Coming from someone who is having one of those days really struggling to get through, I really appreciate that little acknowledgment. It makes a world of difference to know people recognize what our husbands do and what it takes to stay strong on the homefront.
ReplyDeleteWe're so appreciative here on our end. Know our prayers are sent for strength for your family from ours. Thank you again for your very real sacrifices.