Ok, I'll really try to keep them "quick" today.
1. Ava's finally napping for a "little" bit. Yesterday morning she seemed to be coming down with a cold and by the night it was full blown... and she was miserable. After a day of mini-naps broken by a crying, sick, whiny baby... I knew there'd be no sleep at all through the night if I didn't sleep with her, so I took advantage of the bed in her room and she actually slept through the night with me. She's the cutest sleeper and though she's super fidgety, since the whole Newtown, CT tragedy, I haven't complained once if she's needed me to hold her or be with her just a little longer. How did I wake up this morning? To a sweet, happy 15mo old (still sick) who was leaning over me and kissing my face. Love that kid.
2. I've missed blogging about SO much! ...but DO want to note that on January 1st, Shaun & I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary! The past two years have absolutely flown by and I've loved every bit of them, but just pray that our life doesn't go by "too fast" while we're having fun. Yesterday he walked in from work and looked me straight in the eye and said, "I love you. I love you SO much. I love our family. You are the best thing in my life." Even though he tells me all the time, this just made my day. I totally feel the same way, honey.
Someday I'll get around to finishing writing our wedding story and posting pictures.
3. Have you checked out Becky (Dominic's Aunt's) Rosary site? Her rosaries are simply stunning! What a great idea for a birthday gift or anything else. If you go to her Etsy site (on the right side of her blog) and click on the rosaries that have sold (I think it says like 256 Sales or something like that) you can see all the ones she's made in the past. Simply beautiful!
4. After about 15 min of a normally 2hr nap, Ava just woke up crying... looks like it's 3 quick takes today ...until later.
*Update* Ok, today was just one of those days that I was "glued to the sick baby". No time till much later to do any sort of "quick" takes, but now she's sleeping (hopefully through the night) and I'm trying to get a quick post in before heading to bed myself.
5. Ava's on a "vegetable strike" lately. Actually, she's been testing us on a bunch of different kinds of food. I'm trying not to fight with her, but not to give in either.While this is all going on, I'm SO thankful for these!
6. *sigh* I'm so tired, but honestly I'm feeling a need to "get organized" lately... BIG time! I'm ADD and when I feel like paperwork has gotten the better of me, it nags and nags at me mockingly till I get sick of it's arrogant stares and jests and just beat it back into shape.
I'm finding myself suddenly now at the edge of "tax season" and want to make sure everything is all set for an early filing, also have paperwork and finances to keep track of for a "home under renovation" along with our "usual paperwork and finances" and a baby looming due ANY time now just to keep the clock ticking. Last time I felt the need to get organized before the baby, I decided it was most pressing for me to clean and organize my entire basement the day I went into the hospital... let's not repeat that shall we?
Unfortunately, we've gotten in the habit of swiftly scooping things out of the way of a a very "curious" and "handsy" 15mo old and just placing them upon the highest surface we can. This leads to things being piled on top of each other and now has led to me feeling a little "crazed" about the whole thing.
I need to find a new "organization" system that works for me (and my ADD). It can't just "look" organized, but has to actually function and BE organized. I've gleaned a few ideas off of pintrest and online, but could honestly use any advice you have to offer for keeping family paperwork, finances organized. Thanks! Hopefully by the end of this weekend, we'll be back in shape.
7. Ok... this baby girl is coming SOON. Seriously hit me at my midwife visit this week. I sat down looked up at her and almost burst into tears just looking at her. She's such an intense listener and so ... I don't know ..."trustworthy" that sometimes I just find myself feeling incredibly vulnerable around her and my emotions usually carefully kept in check, flood to the surface.
I held it together and got through my birth plan, but at the end of each day I find myself loading myself into bed feeling SOoooooo pregnant that I cannot believe how soon she will be here!
I find myself silently fighting anxiety lately, probably due to the fact that it was right around this point in Ava's pregnancy that I got really sick and ended up in the hospital for a 10 day stay. (See her Birth Story here) People keep saying, "you must be so ready!", but honestly I remember feeling "snuck up on" and "not quite ready" with Ava at this same point, and I suppose it's probably normal. I constantly have to remind myself that each pregnancy/deliver is different and unique and I know... KNOW that God will give me the grace and the strength when the time comes and I need it, but until then I have to allow myself to experience these feelings, look them in the face and let them pass away and be replaced by the realization that we are soon to be tremendously blessed yet again! As well as the reality that He will never leave me no matter what and has set me up with a great support system.
Even Still... images like this don't comfort me much... would YOU be comforted by this???
Ava regularly pats me on my belly and loads up her little sister with kisses and more kisses throughout the day. I look at her and think, "how do you know to do that? You're only 15mo!" She's going to be such a good sister. I just know it!
Please continue to keep me in your prayers as we near the end of this pregnancy and for a healthy, anxiety-free delivery!
Family Photo

About Us

- Marijanna and Shaun
- We met over 8 years ago at church as Shaun was walking in and I was walking out. The few words exchanged sparked an interst that kept Shaun coming back. When we FINALLY began dating 4 years later we soon knew there was something special here. Our first year quickly flew by and we both decided we never wanted to spend another year with anyone else or without each other. We married in the place where it all began on January 1, 2011 (1/1/11) and gave birth to our beautiful daughter Ava Marie on September 22, 2011 our next little one, Clara Rose came 16 months later on February 11, 2013. This blog began with our preparation with our wedding and has entered into recording the days and events of our newlywed life and new motherhood.
I'll try to come back!! HOpe Ava is feeling better soon, poor baby! Congratulations on your anniversary--how life has changed in 2 years, huh?
ReplyDeleteBeautiful wedding photos--beautiful couple!
Ava's feeling better than yesterday, but still sick. I'm in denial that I might be getting it too... hopefully that "plan" works for me. Mommy's don't have time to be sick (esp. very pregnant ones).
DeleteCongratulations on YOUR Anniversary (belated). Life has changed so much and in so many good ways! We have been RICHLY blessed!
Mary Gundrum asked about our wedding story. I need to find time to write the whole thing. We have so many beautiful photos that no one has seen!
Simeon was born at 36 weeks....just in case you wanted to know....my first born was born at 35 weeks....praying.....hang in there!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that! And "Jedi" looks awesome! Would never know. I've taught many a child born SUPER premature and you'd never know.
DeleteAva was born at 38 weeks (though I went into the hospital at 36 or 37 weeks. I'm glad they waited and let her come when she did, though. Don't want to rush this little girl along, especially because every bit of time inside is so good for her (and gives me a chance to get ready).
Happy 2nd anniversary! We feel so blessed to know you and be friends with you! So sorry to hear adorable Ava is sick. Hope she feels better soon! You are so blessed to be a Mama! Offering up my pains and sufferings for Ava to feel better soon and for a holy and happy delivery for you and Baby Girl #2! Any names picked out yet? Much love and hugs to all four of you! XO
ReplyDeleteAwww... Maria, thank you so much. You've been so generous with your prayers towards us. I know we are blessed. I feel so grateful! Thank you for praying for little Ava (I HATE seeing her sick)
DeleteWish I could see you tomorrow, but by order of the husband (and common sense) I've been told to stay home with Ava tomorrow to give her a chance to get better (and not infect the MIM crew). Shaun will try to come and "represent" the family.
HOpe you are well.
Oh... and yes we have picked one out! ;)
Hoping your little Ava is on the road to recover and that you don't get sick too!
ReplyDeleteBaby is almost here!!
She's doing bettter today, but I can hear her whiny hoarse cries right now for Daddy (who's trying to put her to sleep) and know that she's still feeling pretty miserable.
DeleteI'm hoping I don't get it either! (But I think it's on it's way)
I can't wait to meet her! (But I don't feel ready at all.) EVERYONE has said that in comparison to Ava's pregnancy, THIS one seems to have absolutely flown by and snuck up on everyone! We're super happy to meet her, though and I'm sure she'll fit in JUST fine!
BTW... I didn't know you were tall like me! I saw it in a post you wrote about how Cari's shoes would make you too tall or something like that and I was like, I'd never have guessed your height (because you always look petite in photos to me) I'm nearly 5'11", so from one tall lady to another, have fun finding cute shoes like Mrs. Donaldson! YOu must understand ;)
Oh, gosh, every time I see that watermelon on the bottom of your blog front, I get sick to my stomach...remembering the last weeks of pregnancy. it is not comforting, yet, it is how it feels, isn't it?