This weekend was full of nothing but taking care of a sick little munchkin (and trying to sort/organize paperwork between it all). Don't you HATE it when your children are sick? She's SO not herself. She has turned from docile angel baby that sleeps wonderfully (I don't even like to tell people how great her sleep schedule is... I'll only tell if you ask) to the "terrible-twos" overnight! Not eating much. Not sleeping much. Not happy much (well, she tries but has some pretty severe mood swings as of late).
This morning (after unwisely going to bed at 1:30am and then getting up at 3:30am with Shaun) I went back to sleep for a very brief time and woke with her at 4:10am (which was actually later than "lately") instead of 8:30am when she's her "normal self" I waited for a little bit hoping she would fall back asleep, but no. Not a chance. When I walked into her room ...she was in full blown "hissy fit" mode. I mean, mad MAD MAD got on the floor on her stomach screaming, kicking, lurching, madness. I've learned over the years not to feed into temper tantrums, but this was so unusual that I felt real pity for her.
It was as if to say, "I feel like SUCH CRAP MOMMY! And what the HELL were you doing that it took you so long to get me out of my stinking CRIB!!!!!!!!!"
I hate to say that it's moments like this when I'm faced with her bold stubborness that I realize, "Ohhhhh boy. She's totally MY daughter" Anyone who knows Ava knows this is not her "typical" personality at all. (When she's perfect and wonderful, it's then that I realize thankfully, that she's SOooo Shaun's daughter)
So for now my life has been: Broken sleep. Crying baby. Could this be preparing me for something to come in the near future? (still in denial about that as well).
She's really not a happy camper. Could you say a little prayer that she feels better soon? She's napping now (for a little while) and I think I'm going to forgo everything else for as long as she'll let me and follow her lead while I can.
Family Photo

About Us

- Marijanna and Shaun
- We met over 8 years ago at church as Shaun was walking in and I was walking out. The few words exchanged sparked an interst that kept Shaun coming back. When we FINALLY began dating 4 years later we soon knew there was something special here. Our first year quickly flew by and we both decided we never wanted to spend another year with anyone else or without each other. We married in the place where it all began on January 1, 2011 (1/1/11) and gave birth to our beautiful daughter Ava Marie on September 22, 2011 our next little one, Clara Rose came 16 months later on February 11, 2013. This blog began with our preparation with our wedding and has entered into recording the days and events of our newlywed life and new motherhood.
All I can say is be thankful that you do not have 5 other kiddos for this sickness to go lasts for weeks when we get yes, it's preparing you for more to come!! Prayers's always hard when there are sick littles...
ReplyDeleteOh, I know it Jamie JO! You guys are my heros. Seriously, I'm the wimpy geek kid when it comes to how much "penance" I have in the parenting department. I'm totally totally blessed with health in this house AND happiness.
DeleteSo wish she was feeling better, though. I hate to see her miserable.
Oh, and it's good that she's sick now, so she won't be sick when baby comes!
ReplyDeleteBelieve me. I've thought of that!
DeleteWe had a sick baby this weekend too!! Xander threw up 3 times on Friday and once on Saturday and thank God he is back to normal now.
ReplyDeleteUgh. Poor Xander. Throwing up is THE worst. Not only do I hate it, but hate it when (especially) little kids have it because they don't understand what's happening and it's so scary for them. Poor baby. :(
DeleteHopefully you are all well before the baby comes! I see 21 more days!
ReplyDeleteThat's what we're hoping for. I narrowly escaped getting it "full blown". Somehow I started to get it and it passed before I felt like my Mom or Ava did. And believe me, I was a human petri-dish.
DeleteI hear ya with the sick stuff. As of right now, we have two kids and one baby sick. I always say, "Right now, the baby is the sickest..." and then I will take a temperature of a sick kid and say, "Wait no, now Lucy is the wait, it looks like Anna wins this one...'
ReplyDeletePoor baby Henry has been coughing so hard he throws up. He won't take his bottle either, so we just rock with him. I think often of what my sister went through w/ Dominic, remembering how he was throwing up for so long and was inconsolable and I wonder how on earth she made it so long. Henry has only been sick two days and it's just really HARD seeing your baby so sick. Kids too.
Anyway, I hope your little girl gets better soon. I bleep it out for the kids but say it plain and true for Henry, who doesn't understand all the words yet: "The flu SUCKS, Henry!"
Awww... Becky, so hoping good health returns to your home soon. I hate it when she's sick. Been more of a trooper lately, but my heart just breaks for her.
DeleteWhoops, I forgot to also thank you for featuring my rosaries in your last post! You got me all distracted with that flue talk....:-)
ReplyDeleteNO problem! They're totally "blog worthy" and beautiful ;)
DeleteI hope she feels better. Benjamin is sick too!! He was sick basically for the month of December and was well for 9 days. I made the mistake of saying "I'm so glad Benjamin is feeling better-now we can get back to our old schedule again." JINX Sunday morning he woke up with the nose trickle...had a fever by lunchtime:(
ReplyDeleteIt's tough when they can't verbalize what is wrong with them yet.
LEONE! So good to see you here, cuz. Sorry it's sick kiddos that bring us together. Give that Benjamin a big hug and kiss from Ava & I and no more jinxing the wellness factor, K?
DeleteAnd I know... she's so expressive in so many ways, but just can't tell me exactly what's wrong, so sometimes when all my motherly psychic powers to read her mind fail, I just feel helpless. :( Hoping everyone is feeling much better VERY soon! Love you! xo